Mission Statement FOV Inc. (Friends of Victims)


Mission Statement for FOV Inc, a 501(c)(3) Private Foundation – Renewable Tech Climate Change Initiative:

“At FOV Inc., our mission is to effect positive change on multiple fronts through our Renewable Tech Climate Change Initiative. We are committed to addressing pressing global issues while uplifting underserved communities, both domestically and internationally.

Our Renewable Tech Climate Change Initiative focuses on two major components:

  1. Empowering Underserved Communities: We are dedicated to fostering sustainability and resilience in underserved and disadvantaged communities across the United States and abroad. To achieve this, we organize targeted donor campaigns that support the following areas:
    • Community Solar Solutions: We strive to provide access to clean and affordable energy by creating community solar projects.
    • Renewable Tech Transformation: We promote the adoption of renewable technologies to reduce carbon emissions and enhance environmental sustainability.
    • Renewable Energy Power Systems: We facilitate the development of renewable energy infrastructure to meet the energy needs of these communities.
    • Energy-Efficient Affordable Housing: We work towards making affordable housing more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
    • Other Renewable Tech Solutions: We continually seek innovative renewable tech solutions to benefit these communities.
  2. Responsible Funding Allocation: FOV Inc manages and administers all donation campaigns, allocating 5%-10% of donated proceeds for operational and administrative costs. Each renewable tech solution, product, or project is closely tied to a specific donation campaign, which receives support from private donations, state grants, federal grants, and various other forms of donations. The Co-Chairs oversee these activities, with the option to engage volunteers and part-time workers as needed.

Our initiative directly improves the lives of underserved and disadvantaged communities by providing affordable renewable solutions that lower utility costs, reduce CO2 production, and contribute to the availability of affordable housing. We are committed to achieving measurable results and making a meaningful impact on climate change.

In addition to our climate change initiative, FOV Inc also manages the COVID Catalog project, aimed at memorializing victims of SARS-CoV-2, and the Friends of Victims initiative, which advocates for victims of abuse, mental health issues, injustice, and inequality. These initiatives reflect our dedication to amplifying marginalized voices and supporting those who have suffered without recognition.

Through responsible funding management, community engagement, and innovative solutions, FOV Inc seeks to create a more equitable, sustainable, and compassionate world.”

This comprehensive mission statement encompasses the core principles and objectives of FOV Inc and its various initiatives.




God Bless

s a vicinanza